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Isspro EV2 Gauges for your Dodge, Ford or Chevy Diesel Truck

EV2 Isspro Gauges

Isspro EV2 Gauges

EV2 gauges are completely stand-alone, operating without the need of an amplifier box. They utilize stepper motor movements for precision, and LED backlighting for brightness and durability. Both of these technologies allow the gauge to operate at a very low current draw (less than 0.1 Amp with lights at full brightness). Also, the backlighting is powered by the main ignition input, without drawing any measurable current from the dimmer circuit of the vehicle, so there is no worry about overloading the factory dimmer.

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Shop Isspro EV2 Gauges - Many styles to match Dodge, Ford & Chevy Diesel Trucks and more - Unbeatable Prices on and fast shipping Isspro EV2 Gauges at OC DIESEL